Tips for balcony flowers cultivation

“As earlier, the most popular flowers are pelargonium, petunias, surfinijas, begonias, balsam, spring dahlias and pansy. By the way, leaning pansy is extremely popular this year. This means, that people like, when the plant not only blooms, but also smells” said company “Žiežmarių gėlės“ Production Manager, Agronomist Darius Gonsiauskas.

That is way, the Company has raised pansy pelargonium, which have especially fragrant leaves while the small and brightly colored blossoms is similar to pansy. It can be combined with royal pelargonium, which blossoms color palette is just as good as their form. Species breeders have done their best that the royal pelargonium would smell good as well. “Those who are able to keep pelargonium in cool, not higher that 10 degrees Celsius temperature area in winter time, in order to provide the plant with dormant period and stack the buds, can decorate their environment next year with the very same flowers” – advised the specialist.

Looking around the sea of flowers, the dwarf dianthus catches the eye. “This year we offer a variety of colors – from pale pink, to dark cherry. They can be planted into the pots and troughs, but mostly they are placed into the flower garden. Dianthus was very popular in Germany and the Netherlands last year. Our flower lovers are a little harder to accept the innovations. But the ones who have planted the dianthus last year, buys them for themselves and gives to others. A few planted plants shall spread till the end of summer and will blossom till the first stronger frost” – explained the Agronomist.  The biggest advantage of this species – odor and that they do not elongate, grows compactly.

Miracles do not happen

The ones who like begonias, but are not able to keep the tubers over the winter time, can buy the new plant of other color and form, coming to the summer season. “Breeders do not nap. Every year they create new flowers with new colors and shapes for environment decoration. Begonias – is not an exception. New species of plants are interesting in its form and are very valuable due to their long and abundant blossoming – noticed the specialists. According to him, the bets advertising – word of mouth. If the one has noticed the perfectly blooming flowers at friends or neighbors place, often decides to plant it, but, according to the expert, this does not mean that the poorly treated plant will prosper just as well. “Miracles do not happen. Each plant has its needs that we must meet. Only that flower which is properly fertilized and constantly watered in the balcony, porch, terrace or elsewhere will return in abundant blooms. Currently, the variety of fertilizers can be found for specific plants, promoting their blossoming, so to take care of such plants is really easy. The plants bought in our company do not need to be fertilized on the first half of summer, as substrate in which they have been grown, has all necessary nutrients”, – assured D. Gonsiauskas. Also he advised the ones who have leaning flowers, to take care of them every day: to pick the dead blooms, water and fertilize. If somebody cannot do so, according to him, must choose flowers that require less care.

One needs to know what and when to pamper. Spring dahlias – one of the most non-demanding flowers. They form the tuber during the summer, that can be kept over the winter and will delight everyone in the next year. Thunbergia – climbing flowers, suitable for planting in balconies and terrace, if one wants to create a cozy, blooming guard. It can be planted into the soil. According to the specialists, how much place you will give to thunbergia as much it will climb to the top. “The most important thing in planting these plants – not to plant them too densely, to leave due distances, in order to provide the free circulation of air. Then the plant will look nice and will suffer less mildew or rot. The main pests – mites and blights. However, they seldom cause much damage, as they usually are grown in few plants not few hundreds”, – says D. Gonsiauskas. Pelargonium, according to him, not only defends itself from pets with its odor, but also saves the other neighboring flowers. The ones who like to pamper the flowers with water procedures from the spray device, must know, that petunias, begonias and surfinias do not like that. Pelargonium can be sprayed, but only early in the morning and in the evening, so that the water drops remaining on the leaves would not burn them. “Watering is best to the saucer under the pot, as then the plant takes as much water as he needs. The plant shall feel much better if not placed in the southern and northern sides. Pelargonium can withstand the heat of sun, while it will be disastrous for begonias” – warned the specialist.

Tips for balcony flowers cultivation

Planting various plants in one place, the attention must be paid to their color and height. In addition, the composition must fit the color and texture of house wall, windowsills and balconies as well as their form and structure also the paving (if pot shall be placed on it) of the existing or desired to create space. Plastic trays shall be fixed inside or outside the balcony. Most important, that they would be firmly fixed. It is very important to choose carefully soil mixture – it shall be fertile, loose, water absorbing. Peat substrates or soil mixtures with complex fertilizers and trace elements, made for outdoor flowers, can be used. The soil must be filled to the tray leaving two-finger space from its top so, as planting the flowers the soil would not fall out or water run out during the plants watering. High-rise flowers that have leafless lower part are not recommended to be planted in trays. Low flowers are better to plant on the sides as they fit to frame the composition. In the centre part of the trays, flowers with darker blossoms are usually planted, while the plants with lighter blossoms are planted on sides.
